Betekenis van:
driven well

driven well
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a stratum that bears water




    driven well


    1. The ecological criteria for the product group ‘electrically driven, gas driven or gas absorption heat pumps’, as well as the related assessment and verification requirements, shall be valid until 9 November 2010.
    2. The joint projects developed within above dialogues and S & T cooperation Agreements will be needs-driven and will have significant size in terms of partnerships, competences and financing as well as having an important socioeconomic impact.
    3. contributing to the provision of international public goods, in particular pro-poor demand driven research and technological innovation, as well as capacity development, scientific and technical South-South and South-North cooperation and twinning;
    4. For this purpose, the Authority will consider whether such investment decisions are exclusively profit-driven and are linked to a reasonable business plan and projections, as well as to a clear and realistic exit strategy.
    5. The relatively low importance of terminal fees makes switching in response to 10 % or even 15 % increase in the terminal tariffs unlikely, as the selection of the port and terminal of discharge is driven rather by the more important cost elements — sea freight costs and inland transport costs — as well as other factors specific to each customer.
    6. In particular it will improve the relevance and effectiveness of regional research agendas through mutual learning; promote and strengthen cooperation between clusters; and contribute to strengthening the sustainable development of existing R & D driven clusters as well as foster seed-beds to create new ones, in particular in emerging Regions of knowledge.
    7. As far as the triggering for data storage or for message sending is event driven directly from the IT system the timeliness is not a problem if the system is designed in well manner according the needs of the business processes.
    8. It shall seek to strengthen the involvement of stakeholders and user groups to ensure that the research is relevant to policy and management, and that the prioritisation of research themes is driven by policy needs and the full involvement of scientists and their respective research institutions, as well as the broad stakeholder communities shall be actively sought.
    9. Activities of particular relevance to SMEs include efforts to ensure robust technology-driven supply chains in the various sectors; enabling SMEs to access research initiatives; and facilitating the role and start-up of high-tech SMEs, particularly in the advanced transport technologies and ’services-related’ activities specific to transport as well as the development of systems and applications in satellite navigation domains.
    10. Such collaboration will take place on a competitive basis. The joint projects developed within above dialogues and S & T cooperation Agreements will be needs-driven and will have significant size in terms of partnerships, competences and financing as well as having an important socioeconomic impact.
    11. Following the approach outlined above, examples of costs which would be included in the termination service increment would include additional network capacity needed to transport additional wholesale termination traffic (e.g. additional network infrastructure to the extent that it is driven by the need to increase capacity for the purposes of carrying the additional wholesale termination traffic) as well as additional wholesale commercial costs directly related to the provision of the wholesale termination service to third parties.
    12. As an alternative to using the Supervisory volatility adjustments approach or the Own Estimates volatility adjustments approach in calculating the fully adjusted exposure value (E*) resulting from the application of an eligible master netting agreement covering repurchase transactions, securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions, and/or other capital market driven transactions other than derivative transactions, credit institutions may be permitted to use an internal models approach which takes into account correlation effects between security positions subject to the master netting agreement as well as the liquidity of the instruments concerned.
    13. If dedicated capacity is allocated to the voice call termination service irrespective of the technology deployed, then the demarcation point remains at the level of the (remote) concentrator. Following the approach outlined above, examples of costs which would be included in the termination service increment would include additional network capacity needed to transport additional wholesale termination traffic (e.g. additional network infrastructure to the extent that it is driven by the need to increase capacity for the purposes of carrying the additional wholesale termination traffic) as well as additional wholesale commercial costs directly related to the provision of the wholesale termination service to third parties.